Student exchange program is one of Japan's government in the promotion of high school to the community of the world. Indonesia is one of the countries that made the purpose of promotion.
Japanese government offers many programs to the university student exchange-of universities in Indonesia are ITB, IPB, UGM, and others. ITB for high school, especially in the many programs offered concerning this student exchange programs are, Japanese Universities Study of Sience and Technology (JUSST) offered by The University of Elecro-Communications (UEC: red), which each year approximately 4 students are included in this program, the Young Scientist Exchange Program (YSEP) and Tattoos (singkatannya forget) offered Tokyo Institute of Technology with a number of YSEP for 2 people and one person for the program Tattoos (for this program vary with the type of school the other , Sato scholarship), and student exchange programs such as the special perdepartment geodesy Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Electrical Engineering and the other, which almost every year to send students to one of the student exchange program. Special Chemical Technique to have a Lecturer who works directly with one of the universities in Japan, is one of bimbingannya will be sent to Japan for a year.
About scholarships that almost all participants exchange students get scholarships from this AIEJ (Association of International Education Japan: red) of 80.000 yen, with accommodation at the beginning of the money coming 25.000 yen.
The ways to follow this manifold activity, JUSST program for participants in pengseleksian held by UEC own, so Prospective participants to send only the required document to the International Student Office (ISO: red) in the ITB, and the ISO will send to the ISO - UEC. Document the most stressed and most influential in the assessment is the Performance Index. While the program for YSEP and Tattoos penseleksiannya consists of two stages in the ITB document checks and inspections in titech (Tokyo Institute of Technology: red) itself, and the point is emphasized in addition to the performance index is also not a professor to guide the applicants will be a point that is received or not the applicants are. Geodesy techniques for the best students are sent course, because this involves cooperation between Departement. To depend on the chemical engineering faculty who have relationships with universities in Japan who have themselves, and for the electrical engineering to Nagoya University still does not understand.
Time to submit themselves to be one of the Prospective student exchange program this month between April and May, while the announcement around July.
While the activities done by each program is different, for JUSST program, the program is divided into two parts. Research program for the first and the second is a lecture, lecture language is English. While the program for YSEP and Sato is a program of research is only just, as well as for inter-program cooperation perdepartment only program of research only. Special program for JUSST even in the early departure does not have any labs, but if the master or 4th year undergraduate Professors can search for programs in progress.
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